De Grote Belgische Dansvitrine

Lies Pauwels

Lies Pauwels worked closely with Alain Platel and Arne Sierens, and she performed in the trilogy which they made together for Victoria: Moeder en Kind (Mother and Child), Bernadetje  (Little Bernadette) and Allemaal Indiaan (Everyone Indian). For many years, she acted in a great number of Victoria/Campo productions, and in performances of various well-known artists and companies. Since 2001, Lies Pauwels has mainly concentrated on creation. For all her performances, Lies Pauwels works to a very large extent with improvisations, albeit very directed improvisations. The most recent creation was nominated by Het Theaterfestival and received various awards.

“Although I am not a choreographer myself, I like to work with dancers, and often do. Always in combination with actors and/or performers, whether professional or not, but always with a strong emphasis on physicality and visualisation. In the past, I have myself often performed with dancers, and my creations are never disconnected from the idiom of movement. Creating images and the usage of movement have in the meantime become an integral part of my work. I believe that the manner in which the visual combines with the content is crucial. I like to view content from its corporeal interpretation, the physical approach. Conversely, I like to link content to that which generates a movement. I see language as movement, and movement as a means of communication. Or as an expression of something, to express that which you cannot express with language.”