De Grote Belgische Dansvitrine



You are fully engaged in creating your own choreography. You’re dancing, toiling and sweating, trying and rehearsing, falling and persevering. You are almost there.

What if … a professional were to assist you with those final touches and the advice you need?

What if … an expert could give you customized feedback on your work-in-progress?

What if … you were even more confident after our coaching? And who knows, maybe even ready to perform your choreography in front of an enthusiastic audience?

What if … you signed up for The Great Belgian Showcase 2021?


How does it work?

  1. Before 30/09/21: deadline registrations
    You send in a demo video of your creation or work in progress. We will show it to a team of dance experts, who will select the projects they think have artistic growth potential.
  2. 14/11/21: Showing on 14 November 2021
    Does your performance meet the Main Showcase Rules? Then you will have a chance to show your work in progress to exceptional dance experts. They will listen to your story, discuss your goals, and give constructive feedback on your work.But watch out: full is full! Should there be too many registrations, then we will make an advance selection on the basis of artistic development, originality and creativity. In the second half of October you will receive a final decision about whether you and your dance creation will perform in De Maan on 14 November 2021.Important: each participant in the Showing receives coaching from an expert, so taking part is a valuable and unforgettable experience!
  1. 14/11/21 > spring 2022: coaching process
    The feedback team selects ten projects that will receive intensive coaching from an expert for a number of weeks. In this way you work towards a fully-fledged performance.The dance experts will select about ten performances with artistic development possibilities for intensive coaching. You will be working towards the moment in front of the public in Spring 2022. This coaching course will be fully made-to-measure, both regarding content and timing. The coach will come to the location you choose, for instance during your rehearsals.
  1. Spring 2022: our performance on the Dance showcase
    Show yourself and your creation in front of a big audience!

For whom?

Choreographer, solo dancer, duo, group or company? Ballet, belly dance, urban, hip hop, capoeira, tango or a cross-over of styles? You already have a lot of experience or you’re just starting out? Are you still in the middle of your creation process or is your performance almost finished?

De Dansvitrine is all about creativity, enthusiasm and talent development. Everyone is welcome to register!


What’s in it for you?

  • professional feedback on your work
  • customized coaching: whether you make it through to the final round or not, everyone gets advice and coaching
  • a stage and an audience for your performance

Are you in?

Check out our Five MAIN SHOWCASE RULES. Check, check and check? Then register now for the seventh edition of De Grote Belgische Dansvitrine!

  1. Make sure your demo (min. 5 minutes) gives a good idea of what you want to achieve. Feel free to use a video of a rehearsal, your performance doesn’t have to be finished yet. Your video doesn’t have to be professionally or artistically edited either. A tip: don’t film in an outdoor location, but inside. That way we get a better picture. Attention: one entry per choreographer.
  2. Has your performance already premiered? Then the performance may not be more than 1 year old.
  3. A creative spirit is not tied down. A cross-over with circus, dance mixed with video, theatre… The sky is the limit! We have great expectations…
  4. But take care: very complicated decors and lighting are not possible. Because we want to show several projects in one day, complex change-overs are unfortunately not possible.
  5. To apply and be selected = to participate. Don’t forget to mark 14 November 2021 (show time – max 10 minutes) in your diary, and inform your dancers! The date of the performance will follow.

Register here


Register by September 30 using this link. See you soon!

Wat gebeurt er wanneer